There is no such thing as a student who is a failure.. but we have all attempted tasks and failed. Why? A multitude of reasons, but each experience can add to the learning curve of life. On this blog, I will be sharing secrets from my own personal experience of how YOU can help your students suceed in life and learning...
Myers-Briggs is dead long live Myers-Briggs
9 years ago
Hi John, As always supporting and there for others. That is special in this day and age of self self and self. Well done on blog, and will speak soon. Best to all, David (Wales)
Greetings Brother John!
Being rational is like not having FAITH ... or in short like mind over heart!!!Praying doesnt make u delusional!!!Its FAITH to an imaginary that works on here that the rational mind discards.... gladdys (Philippines)
"The best teaching is LIVING what we preach!"
Carry on John!Spread your wings and soar up high and land safely on whatever your heart desires!
What could be this Johnny r's 3 r's???? gladdys (Philippines)
I would like to hear your suggestions of what my "3 R's" might be-- it used to be "reading writing and arithmatic, but that is more like RWA to me! Feel free to share your classroom ideas here.
David Thanks for your too kind remarks! We try... but have a long way to go! Also, thanks for all your own help with the college Chaplaincy project. I'll never forget the trip you made across national boundries - entirely at your own expense - to inform our SMT on chaplaincy & emergency response after the 7/7 London bombings.
Gladdys, thank you for your comments from the perspective of a teacher on the other side of the world! Truely this is a world-wide blog, & I hope some of it is useful for you and your school!
Brother/Sir i was just curious about wat cud be a brilliant idea u have with this 3 R's... (but b4 asking u wat i have in mind is same with wat u said- Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic! 3 R's is a universal term . We also use this 3 R's term here in our country and i do believe it is use all around the world!
Ok Bro I will share some classroom ideas in the next days to come though heheehe! Way to go UP Brother with ur blog site! And surely there cud be stuffs here that I can relate or use in my teaching!!! :-)
Hi John! starting the class with a prayer especially praying for the pupils with a specific purpose like "giving them the grace to learn and practice being courteous" , in this way the children have a goal (cuz they have listened to the prayer of u as their teacher)... and throughout the day u will know if such specific prayer is carried on/lived on by the pupils... so therefore ur prayer for them is granted (on first base and til eternity if they will live wat they have learned!)
John is there really such a "problem child?" gladdys (Philippines)
Supporting students is like providing them enough instructional materials or actual tools so the learning of the pupils are far greater than expected and such skills they will acquire will be use by them in the future!
the best to acquire learning & skills is "less talk but more on hands on."
I am thrilled that a teacher from another culture wants to try the Supported Experiments!
I love your idea, Gladdys,(as you appear to be teaching in a Catholic setting, the prayer will not be a problem), and what you say:
'a specific purpose like "giving them the grace to learn and practice being courteous" , in this way the children have a goal... and throughout the day u will know if such specific prayer is carried on/lived on by the pupils...'
What strikes me is that this is very focused and specific; this is the right way to make your experiment 'measurable'. Obviously, you will be monitoring student response 'throughout the day' (as you say) and I wonder if you’ve thought of a 5 minute review exercise at the end of the day, with the students writing one sentence on if they felt they achieved the goal, why or why not, and what their next step of progress might be? Indeed, if they write the prayer at the beginning of the day and retune to it later, it would tie it all together. At student review times, progress of these little prayers could be included in the review. Those that might be uncomfortable with "prayers" or of a different faith, could be encouraged to see it as daily "goals". It would be lovely to see how this project progresses, and maybe I will enter a separate blog entry, so all can see your progress!
You have a great little discussion group going on the blog so I'm I'm waiting with anticip .... ation for the next entry.
I like the idea for te blog about life and learning.
I have a similar philosophy - have a look at
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